I think it is far from over. The next two paragraphs are from Slavitt:
Existing law "requires that we continue to measure the meaningful use of ONC Certified Health Information Technology under the existing set of standards. While MACRA provides an opportunity to adjust payment incentives associated with EHR incentives in concert with the principles we outlined here, it does not eliminate it, nor will it instantly eliminate all the tensions of the current system."
The changes to meaningful use under MACRA "won?t happen overnight," they write. "Our goal in communicating our principles now is to give everyone time to plan for what's next and to continue to give us input. We encourage you to look for the MACRA regulations this year; in the meantime, our existing regulations ? including meaningful use Stage 3 ? are still in effect."
"While MACRA also continues to require that physicians be measured on their meaningful use of certified EHR technology for purposes of determining their Medicare payments," Slavitt and DeSalvo wrote, "it provides a significant opportunity to transition the Medicare EHR Incentive Program for physicians towards the reality of where we want to go next."
Bert: I do not think MACRA will do much to improve the current system. I think it will just replace it.
n a Jan. 13 letter to Slavitt,(2 page PDF) the Academy confirmed that it shares CMS' assessment that the meaningful use program has outlived its usefulness and should be replaced with something better.
Bert: When was MU ever useful to begin with?
Finally, in Slavitt's talk, he made this quote:
We are now in the process of ending meaningful use and moving to a new regime...
I would state that the word "regime" was a poor choice of words, yet accurate. The following definitions for regime:
Regime a government, especially an autoritarian one.
Regime a system or planned way of doing things [so far so good], especially one imposed from above [uh oh]
Regime From Wikipedia: While the word regime originates as a synonym for any form of government, modern usage often gives the terma a negative connotation, implying authoritarian government or dictatorship....Nowadays the political use of the word is most commonly applied to any government that is most of the time not democratically elected and imposes strict arbitrary rules and laws on the people that are, because of the undemocratic nature of the governemnt, non-negotiable.
Synonyms: Administration, establishment, government, management, reign, rule, system, dynasty, incumbency, tenure, pecking order.
To be fair some dictionaries give it a definition that is closely consistent with a way of doing business, even those same dictionaries talk about its negative connotation.
I simply don't understand why they just don't leave it alone. Reform healthcare and litigation. And, just let the market work.
Mnemonic: To answer your question, I would turn off anything and everything which hinders your ability to work effectively, and just relabel anything that says Meaningful Use to MACRA. Maybe you can use MACROS to help with MACRA.