It is absurd and it seems like they keep making the meaningful use requirements so difficult so that you don't pass therefore they don't have to pay you the incentive money and can also take the percentage away from you for not qualifying.
I have no idea how to get 5% of patients to send us messages on the portal, most of them don't have emails and those that do don't even want a portal set up. I just read a comment on a blog that said if someone can hack into Blue Cross and Target and all these big companies that you know have big time IT security why would patients willingly want their medical records online.
Also we only have one local lab housed in a clinic that we have an interface with and most patients won't go there, there is no way we can pass the structured lab data measure.
The issue on MU is that the patients that it applies to are Medicaid and Medicare.
1)In general, Medicaid patients either don't have access to computers and the internet (except,perhaps, their smart phone) or really don't want to be bothered with it. People in that low socio-economic group tend to either not have these resources, or don't understand them.
2) Medicare patients are generally elderly, did not have access to computers through most of their lifetimes. So they won't use it either.
Now, before someone jumps up and says they have some Medicaid/Medicare that do....
Well, so do we! But in general, this is the way it goes. The MA programs in NYC tend to pull from the Medicaid population, and they actually had to have an intro to computers class in the programs.
So yes, it's going to be hard to satisfy the MU requirements that depend on the patient using the systems. Too bad they couldn't give money based on commercial patients. We get flooded with messages.