My husband uses logmein on the ipad and on his iphone (and our main home imac) all the time, depending on how tired he is and how motivated to get off the couch! He has the logmein ignition app on the iphone, but on the ipad and imac we just use safari and type in the url address bar.
When we first started with AC, we really drove ourselves crazy trying to make the sync work, but with logmein, it's a moot point since the all the work is done on our server. The hippa police are happy because it's a secure connection, and we don't have to worry about patient data being compromised if his car or our home gets burglarized. And I don't have to worry about being smart enough to sync and dumb enough to erase our patient database!
Personally, I don't see why he uses the iphone when we have a huge screen imac 10 feet away, but he's gotten very good with that iphone, shrinking and expanding the screen and moving it around so he can see stuff.
Hope this helps
