Be pt this is long.
Once you reset in the chart it shouldn't keep erasing the ADHD (diagnosis). If it does you are going to have to inactivate and rewrite as a new prescription. I know because in V11.1 it would automatically fill in the "course days: when you filled in the "days supply". So days supply is required by law, when you did this and the course days filled in then the med would be inactivated at the end of the course days. No way to get around it. Now if you reactivate the med the same problem comes up, course days is filled in. I can clear it and send the med and then when I look back at the chart it is filled in again thus inactivated at the end of the course days. The medication hs to be completely rewritten from the ACTIVE screen of Current Medications. If you use the Inactive or ALL then the medication will be reactivated with the same problems. I am sure the ADHD problem in the sig is due to the same type of bug I have experienced. Try writing a new script and see if that works. I am not sure about the date box. I see it is there but not sure how to use it either so can't help with that one.