The pandemic has forced almost everyone to confront their mortality.

Physicians work hard. It doesn't seem hard frequently because we love what we do and we are motivated to help people. Most of us here appear to be self sacrificing but at the end of the day, one has to consider your own well being and life for the future.

As my grey hair increases, I get more questions from parents of patients about when I am going to retire. My standard line has been "when I win the lottery." Now the consideration has become real for I realize as much as I love medicine I love myself and my family more. Still haven't come to a conclusion, but the thought process is there.

Now if only I can get that winning lottery ticket (I only play when it's over 200 mil or so, probably even worse odds)

Pediatrician in Chicago

The patient's expectation is that you have all the answers, sometimes they just don't like the answer you have for them