Hi Tom,

Just interested in why paper scripts work better for you? Just wondering.

Also, I was going to start a new thread, but I guess I can put it here. I had no idea that NewCrop had AI. If you put the word generic or brand in the pharmacy message, it will read that and not allow you to send it. It will tell you that you have to put it in the DAW box. Sometimes, it isn't about indicating that. Like today, it was simply Medicaid requires the brand name for Concerta and not the generic. But, the patient has MC and private. Let me know if you need me to write for the generic.

Now, I have to use the word "bran_" and "generi" It's not smart enough to figure those out. Of course, then the pharmacist thinks you can't spell. Maybe I should write geNERi.You know so it doesn't get confused with generality or generals.

Brewer, Maine