I assumed you got the email:

Amazing Charts Pricing Announcement

Dear valued customer,

Amazing Charts prides itself on offering a certified EHR at the most reasonable price available. We are excited about 2018 and our plans to continue investing in our product. We do this with the goal of making your work easier and allowing you to focus on what matters: your patients.

We believe that investment in development is necessary in order to continue delivering a fully functional and enriched user experience. Our last price increase was in 2014, and in order to continue to invest in our product and maintain highly responsive customer support, while faced with increasing operating costs, we have made the decision to revisit our pricing, effective February 1, 2018. Our revised pricing will be:

-$1,495 annually for on premise support
-$1,495 for new physician licenses
-For Amazing Charts in the cloud there will no changes on annual support

Flexible add on services:

In the hopes of allowing our product to continue to be accessible, but still offering a comprehensive suite of optional functionality, we are unbundling direct messaging & immunization registry services. Our intention is not to burden all of our customers with the cost of these services. To that end, beginning April 1, 2018 we will offer direct messaging and immunization submissions as optional add on services at the following price points. All providers that are interested in these services can contact sales and use for no cost until April 1st:

-Portal & direct messaging $24.60 per month, per provider (billed $295 annually)
-Immunization submissions $16.25 per month, per provider (billed $195 annually)

Thank you for using our product; we look forward to continuing to maintain our high levels of customer support, while making Amazing Charts better than ever before in 2018. Please reach out to us at support@amazingcharts.com if you have any questions or concerns.

Kind Regards,

Russ Keene, EVP
Amazing Charts

Brewer, Maine