Okay folks... I heard from AC tech support and here is their response and mine:
From: Eric Fusco
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 11:25 AM
To: eadavison@verizon.net
Cc: Jerreth Cerina
Subject: EPCS
Good Morning,
I have read over what you have sent us. The dispense numbers all need to have a value and the sig needs to be there. So if you are entering from the current medications screen it will give you the option for a sig but you will need to go to the write scripts screen and find the medication and then add a value and click prescribe. Please do not click transmit. This process will change the dispense number to allow you to access that screen. I have included one of my tier 2 techs in on this email and we went through the process and this is the only way to access that screen. If you have any other questions please feel free to email us.
Dear Mr. Fusco,
That solution is not acceptable. I have elderly patients who come in with 15 to 20 medications from another prescriber which have to be entered into the chart. Neither my staff nor I have the time to go through the whole list and pretend to prescribe them, just so the dispense field has a value in it. That value should be entered when the medication is recorded in the med entry section of the chart. This MUST be addressed with the development team and fixed with a formal update, because the workaround that you are describing is ludicrous.
Ed Davison
From: Jerreth Cerina
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 1:48 PM
To: Eric Fusco ; eadavison@verizon.net
Subject: RE: EPCS
We have already entered this issue as a critical Bug. In a future release this will get fixed unfortunately for now in order to get to the Newcrop screens you will need a Dispense #.
Thank you
Dear Mr. Cerina,
Thank you. As long as this is being formally addressed, we will try to deal with it as best we can.
Dr. Davison