Be careful on the matching. The box does not open to full screen and can be deceiving. I swear I had already matched this VERSION OF METFORMIN but I guess not. I found an error in the databank for the meds or at least I think it is an error.
Just had Tylenol Extra Strength again, I know I have already mapped it! This is time consuming! Makes manual (non electronic refill request take much longer). I know it will get better but geez.
Just curious, I have never used the med DM2, has anyone used that for metformin?
This medication mapping is a royal pain. Almost makes me long for the days of NewCrap. Yes it has been that bad for me. I am just hoping it ends soon.
One of the things that seemed to be improved BEFORE this change was that when you write a prescription the quantity would auto fill, it may be wrong on occasion but mostly it was correct, now the system does not auto fill quantity. Not a big deal most of the time but things like nebulizers, inhalers are time consuming if you don't do them all the time. And of course, we can't put "nebs 1 box"
thanks to everyone for documenting their experience.
I just downloaded the current build v12.0.0 build 358. (most current available as of 6/2/2024 When I saw it was still 12.0.0, I came here to see what the experience is with bugs, etc. But now I'm a little terrified of the whole mapping experience.
1) Should I take the plunge on Build 358? Or, wait another couple weeks? Let them weed out more bugs, or risk bumping up too close to the deadline?
2) I'd like to watch that conversion video, but strangely they didn't include the link in the release notes (just a pic of the link from the mass conversion page). Can someone please post the link if available?
3) To clarify, someone mentioned that although the Release Notes recommend mass mapping, the Video recommend individually doing it patient-by-patient? So if you choose to do patient-by-patient, then you would just skip this step? If my nurse were to do it for the next day's patients, would she get a prompt? (apologies if this is all explained in the video)
4) I feel more people talking about doing patient-by-patient. Does anyone have any experience with the mass mapping? I can only imagine how many meds our 3 provider practice would have after 15 years or so, but I'd venture in the 1000s. So if it really was a 3000+ mapping job, could I set it up to go when I leave work, and have it finished the next morning? And if for those meds unable to be mapped, could you still go back and clean it up later patient by patient, or are you forced to reconcile then and there? (So tempted to let it take how many hours it would need overnight, but trying to avoid accidentally paralyzing the office when we walk in the next day).
thanks to everyone for documenting their experience.
4) I feel more people talking about doing patient-by-patient. Does anyone have any experience with the mass mapping? I can only imagine how many meds our 3 provider practice would have after 15 years or so, but I'd venture in the 1000s. So if it really was a 3000+ mapping job, could I set it up to go when I leave work, and have it finished the next morning? And if for those meds unable to be mapped, could you still go back and clean it up later patient by patient, or are you forced to reconcile then and there? (So tempted to let it take how many hours it would need overnight, but trying to avoid accidentally paralyzing the office when we walk in the next day).
"mass mapping" is not like you described. You map every one of them on one screen, one at a time...not like a one click and come back later. The reason why everyone is mapping patient by patient, is because there are Thousands of meds to map depending on how big the practice is or how many providers. I am 1 provider and have had AC since 2009 and I have 2500+ meds. I map either all patients for that day or each time I eRxn. It sucks because there are obvious matches that could have been done without human intervention. i.e. "oral" in one database but not listed "oral" in other database with all other med name exactly the same. Good luck.
1. Build 358 has been stable, for the most part. I have had 2 crashes. It does seem faster. Does not seem to have the same bugs as the 361 that was released but no longer available. All that to say I think development at AC is still fixing things but this version is ok to use.
2. Personal decision to take the plunge now but know mapping is the major issue. I would prepare everyone in the office. If you have someone that does not have a lot of patience for change warn them this can be tedious.
3. The link is in the release notes when you open the build, glad it got posted here. I was the same way, trying to find the video hitting the nonlink on the release of the release but it wasn't really a release!!! LOL
4. I am solo now but have had 4 prescribes in the office in AC over the years. One was here since the inception of us using AC but retired in 2019. We also started with AC around 2009. I have 3815 medications to map and 128 allergies! I am not sure why the allergies are so high but will say that the allergy list is a pain. It does not appear to be in alphabetical order. As ffac posted, this is not a simple hit the button, let it run it's course and come back with a cup of coffee. The program does match some automatically but this 3815 are ones that did not map in the initial auto process. You don't see the auto process happening. I can't imagine sitting down and doing all of them at one time but if I had a nurse that I could dedicate to this and KNOWS MEDICATIONS VERY WELL, is meticulous then I might would dedicate a day of work for mappin all of the meds at once. The only problem I see is when you open a chart if you do not match ALL of the meds then the escribe will not send. AGAIN, ALL MEDICATIONS FOR THE PT HAVE TO BE MAPPED OR NOTHING SENDS! I say this because I don't know what happens if you start someone mapping all and then a provider sees a pt, opens the chart and matches all meds does this transfer to the person also doing the bulk match? AS stated earlier there are things that could have made this easier. Hopefully that can be fixed for others. It would be good to do the mapping ahead of time from the schedule. Maybe start the day 30 minutes to an hour earlier or see if a nurse can come in earlier, schedule pt start times a little later? I think the best thing is before you switch bring all the staff together and find common ground on what this entails and how best to proceed.
GOOD LUCK, please be sure to post back your experiences. I know by the end of the day Friday I was frustrated due to the extra time this takes and wanting to get out of the office.
I am sure that Harris is sending daily or weekly updates to the thousands of users who do not come to this board, so everyone has the benefit of all the knowledge being gathered as our "beta testers" work their way through the various builds and mapping processes.
Would be nice to hear what changes have been made..........I would wait and ask if the "oral" mapping issues is corrected. I would think this would be an easy fix and could save a lot of time for your mapping!
Latest build 369 but the database tuner build is still build 358. I had never installed AC with different build numbers of main AC and database tuner. Anyone think that will be a problem?
Good luck with the surgery! I don't think that V12 is that bad but close, hey if your taking some time off you might want to consider the mapping at that time, at least you'll already have a pain in the butt to deal with!
yes that was my thought also, look at the schedule for july and august and do the mapping on those patients, something to take my mind off having a catheter for 10 days
The problem we had printing order and demographics: is gone. The work around we had was to take a screen shot of the order or demo page (as it could not be printed) using windows logo key on keyboard and print screen key; it automatically saved in picture folder of C drive as screen shot and then we could print the screen shot. My staff had to use a pair of scissors to cut out the unnecessary margins/borders.
Re: Mapping. We had 2468 medications using AC for 20 yrs. It is down to 771 after 7 days of V12. I would not lose sleep about it. It takes extra time to map and then to refill meds, but not bad. In free time like lunch time I do map- from admin screen, but lately it is mostly at each patient level at the time of visit/phone calls. It has to be done anyways, if not today, tomorrow...... But it is doable. Yes, there are errors in First Data bank database, but if I can't find the exact match, I do free text match and migrate. Later on, I right mouse click on that med and codify it, it will take extra time, few extra clicks. Hope this helps.
As I contemplate upgrading this week, I have two questions for the brave souls here who have already blazed a trail on the mapping processes.
The first is: why not have a very low threshold to 'free text' medications, rather than mapping them, especially if there is any difficulty quickly finding a match? This would be especially true if you do not expect to be prescribing the medication regularly in the future. To put it another way... what exactly is the downside of having the medication as a free text'? It basically just means that IF you prescribe it in the future, you will need to find it in the new database at that time, right?
My second question relates to mapping in the Admin section vs mapping chart-by-chart.
It appears from the video and instructions that "mapping" is the first step of the process, and "migrating" completes it. According to the video, one cannot migrate in Admin until ALL the drugs are mapped. The "migrate"button at the bottom of the screen is greyed out until all meds are mapped.
This means that if you work from the admin screen, much of the work you do there will likely be duplicated. Let's say I have 1000 meds to map and migrate. I go to the admin screen and map the first 500, which takes me through all the drugs starting with "A" through "M" (as they seem to be listed alphabetically). But now its time to see patients, so I start mapping and migrating chart-by-chart. Any meds in the patients charts that start with "A" through "M" now have to be mapped and migrated again, right? They have not yet been migrated.
To me, this is a strong argument for either completing the mapping in Admin in one sitting (or over a weekend) OR just doing the process chart-by-chart and skip "admin"?
1. I have decided to have a fairly low threshold but most things are easily found. Diabetes supplies and supplements are the worst. Diabetes all go under a generic diabetes meter, lancet, pens etc. Supplements are sometimes mapped others just free text. I think the only problem is if you don't map you have to codify later.
2. I am wondering the same thing. If you start in admin you would need to continue in admin until completed because the migration button does not become usable until ALL are mapped. This is the same in the pt chart. I am wondering if I can now go to the ADMIN on the weekend and map any that are left? Could you start mapping in admin on one computer and move to another to see pt's map those that need to be and come back to admin and the system already know?
I have attached 2 screenshots from a refill this morning. This is for an allergy map issue. The first i th screen that I got with the need to map the allergy the second is when I typed in "shell fish". This is a fairly common allergy.
The other thing I have encountered is doing the " pending pharmacy requests, renewals" (electronic refills) a medication has to have a match or you can not deny the refill request. Why? I think that is just asking for problems.
I thought I would chime in with one thing about the mapping process. We made one small change to the mapping functionality from the original release of V12 to the latest build. The change is that you no longer have to complete all mapping in the Admin screen to migrate. In the latest build, if you open the mapping screen in admin, you will notice that the migrate button is lit up. This means you will be able to hit the migrate button at any point, migrating the medications you have already mapped. This change was put in after we created the videos and help documentation, which is why its not reflected in there. I am working on getting the help documentation updated.
So how does this change the mapping process? Here is what I would recommend. - After upgrading and switching to the FDB database, you will be taken to the admin mapping screen. Immediately click the migrate button at the bottom of that screen. This will migrate the medications that are already mapped. - I would then go through the more common medications through admin and map those. Once you have done the common (most popular) medications, click the migrate button again to migrate just those medications. - I would then map all the allergies through admin.
Now, from here I would switch to migrating patient by patient. This will cut down on the number of medications you need to migrate on a per patient basis, and the migration process should be quicker as well as there will be less medication the system needs to migrate at that time.
Hope that helps.
Mark Dabeck Client Success Manager/Amazing Charts "Amazing Charts now offers On-Site Training. Message me for details".
So did the medication refill I mentioned above. Matched to the discontinued version of the med since I can't just bypass and deny. Opened the chart and there it is,the denied refill was an inactivated medication because the pt isn't on it any more but now is back in the med list! Shows to be refilled by me today at this time but yet I denied the refill! The program activated the medication back into the pt profile because I HAD TO MATCH TO SOMETHING IN THE REFILL REQUEST.
I can't be the only one seeing these problems. I do not have anyone in the office do refills for me. Please if you have staff doing refills have them be very careful. In my opinion things like this are dangerous to us as the prescriber/provider. Who is going to be responsible if a pt has had problems with a medication in the past or you double a medication (med class) that causes a severe reaction?
Thanks, Mark. Your post answers my question above and points out a seemingly helpful change in the mapping process that AC has recently made. It seems to clarify the best overall process for mapping.
Can you please help with some of the other questions here? (e.g. which build to look for and how to get it, and some of the issues that Chris is having)?
Also... is Harris emailing everyone else out there to explain that if you watched the video and read the instructions, a change has been made and you need to go back and re-think your process?
I have attached 2 screenshots from a refill this morning. This is for an allergy map issue. The first i th screen that I got with the need to map the allergy the second is when I typed in "shell fish". This is a fairly common allergy.
The other thing I have encountered is doing the " pending pharmacy requests, renewals" (electronic refills) a medication has to have a match or you can not deny the refill request. Why? I think that is just asking for problems.
FYI: In the new database "Shell Fish" is one word ("shellfish"), and there are 4 options that is could be now "Shellfish", "Shellfish derived", "Shellfish (substance)", or "Shellfish toxin".
Mark Dabeck Client Success Manager/Amazing Charts "Amazing Charts now offers On-Site Training. Message me for details".
4) This build fixes the printing issues (cannot print from any crystal reports screen), the print preview a controlled med prohibiting that med from being transmitted, and the medications not saving to the plan if the med is prescribed directly after mapping
5) No, you are not.
6) Lets set up a time to jump on a call and go through your questions. You know I am always willing to help.
Last edited by Mark@AC; 06/05/202411:03 AM.
Mark Dabeck Client Success Manager/Amazing Charts "Amazing Charts now offers On-Site Training. Message me for details".
1. Thanks, will see how it works for me this evening. I'll post back.
2. I explained the process of the problem in the post here on the forum. It is not medication specific it is an inactivated medication, nonmatch medication issue. The root problem is you have to have a match to deny a medication. Development just needs to make it where you can deny a prescription, matched or not.
3. V12 Build 358
4. Printing wasn't an issue in 358, glad they got that fixed for ffac and anyone else on 361. I really hope the problem with the disappearing med after mapping is fixed! I am having to prescribe twice for the meds to show up in the plan.
RE: "When you went to the new version it showed you how many still need to be matched?"
Yes it does on the very top.
Everyone will have to map all meds, not only active, but inactive medicines, also for inactive patients, pts who left the practice, dead patients, medicines that are pulled of the market, obsolete medicines (like lantus opticlik!)......