I do not remember a time when this board has been this slow. I do not think I have posted this year, and even Bert has only had 4 posts over the last 30 days.
I think this is a good sign. Most likely, "No news is good news."
We are on Amazing Charts 11.1.2, and have been since probably October. Each user may experience one crash a day, and every once in a while a quirk or two will show, but on the whole stability and performance has been excellent.
James Summerlin (James NT) set up our new server last September, speed and reliability has been extraordinarily good.
I have one PC that I just upgraded and put Windows 11 Pro on, so I am going to play around with that a little. Otherwise all PCs are Win 10 Pro, no plans to do a mass upgrade to Win 11.
How are things for everyone?
Gene Nallin MD solo family practice with one PA Cumberland, Md
Dr. Gene, we were using 11.1.1 and one user was experiencing 1 crash per day. We just updated to 11.1.4 and that user is not experiencing any more crashes. The update was easy - I did it myself.
Serene Office Manager General Pediatrics Houston, Texas
Its been busy for me. I am knee deep in MIPS attestations, which is typical for me during the first quarter. We also launched the new MIPS dashboard, which I worked on directly. It is actually the first MIPS dashboard to be directly connected with the QPP.
On the personal side, my band has started performing again. So I have been busy with rehearsals, booking, website revamps, and redesigning the light show. Its a ton of work on the weekends (on top of my normal "honey-do" list).
Mark Dabeck Client Success Manager/Amazing Charts "Amazing Charts now offers On-Site Training. Message me for details".
Gene, I was thinking the same, board is slow, didn't think I was getting the latest. We have been very busy, seems to have settled a bit right now, COVID has slowed down here.
We are on version 11.1.4 and the only time I will have a crash is with trying to print orders. Happens about once a day, seems to just lock up and not respond. CTRL-ALT-Delete and restart, all is good, mildly time consuming. Still having the Codify med problem which is much more frustrating and time consuming.
Mark@AC: sounds like a nice add on for AC, thanks for sharing the band link, looks like fun and a lot of work at the same time.
Mark@AC: Updox System Issues An update has been posted We will be taking the application offline at 4:30 PM (Eastern) to perform emergency maintenance. The application will be down for approximately 1 hour.
ACZ: Still no fix to prescibing. Nobody available from AC last time I checked. I have an email request in. Anyone else?
ACZ: update on prescribing: After calling thursday morning and leaving a message, received call from AC. They changed something on their end, and prescribing is fixed.
AMCS: This is from newcrop: New incident: Investigating We are currently investigating an error that may occur when attempting to transmit prescriptions. This is resulting in prescriptions remaining queued. Our engineers are working on resolution presently.
Bert: I am sure AC knows. It's probably a NewCrop issue and they are working on it
Clem Surak: Is anyone else using ACPM and the EOBs are not matching up to patient accounts and the EOBs are having to be retyped into ACPM? Started a couple of weeks ago. Payer IDs are correct and match the EOB payer IDs.
tcosta: @ Clem Surak: yes, this has been going on for MONTHS in our office. We've been told it's the payers fault and it has to do with loop segments and payer response. Doesn't make sense to me, considering it's ALL the time now on multiple EOB's a week.
tcosta: It almost never used to happen and now it's constant.
tcosta: ACPM is extremely short staffed and it's taking them days to respond and fix the issue.
Clem Surak: Yes, it has been getting progressively worse. I have a ticket logged, but have not heard back, so I keep retyping the EOBs so that our accounting is up to date. Hope the migration to the new Clearinghouse fixes this issue. Thanks for the response.
Bert: Can anyone tell me where the post is from AIDevelopment
lesmar: "Prescription batch error. There was an unknown failure trying to complete the prescription batch for [patient name]."' I was just trying to send a refill on narcotic medication. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks