Most of the problems I had with AC cloud itself have resolved. Just learned about the ability to log off when ac freezes, but that is also happening less. My only issue now is the pdf reader. when I hosted AC locally I had a tiny program that would allow me to edit, delete pages, change order of pages, sign, fill forms, add notes, etc. AC cloud does not allow you to install any program in their server that they do not approve of, so I am forced to use adobe acrobat reader. That sucks, but I figured I could just upgrade to the pro version. Right? You would think that would be easy! But no! it is not allowed! You cannot sign in to your personal adobe acrobat reader. You MUST use the free version. Pray tell why? I have not been given a good answer. Also, with the cloud version you do not have access to word. They use a program called Libre. I have not tried it much as most of the importing to AC is done via updox as pdf.