That is easy. In your preferences you can elect any date format you want. For those that do not know where that is. after you login select your name at the top right. a menu will appear below your name. select preferences
Also in the same area you can adjust your timezone offset. So the date time of the posts match your location time.
There is no such thing as stupid questions , Just stupid answers.
Very helpful, I am definitely liking this board better than the previous one, a bit easier to modify to make it work for my own needs too, and I do like the mobile version too. Maybe it takes a little while to change my time preference (Mountain) but I notice Eastern is still showing up under most recent posts section for me, hmmmmmmm, maybe I did not set it right. Will continue to monitor to see if it updates after I sign out and sign back in.
Wondering if we need the "Amazing Charts Company Updates" forum, since AC won't be using this board to make official announcements anymore (I assume).
OK, so now I can see back into the future. I asked Ruben to hide the ACCU forum for the same reason AnneMarie pointed out. So it happened. Then I found this thread and read your post. Wish I could do that at Vegas or in horse racing.
Still stuck in Eastern time despite setting Mountain time and saving multiple times, after clicking on preferences. Not sure why but oh well, just have to pretend I am back in West Virginia, lol. Just a minor nuisance but if there is an easy fix I would love to hear about it, thanks!
Probably not. I had to erase all watched items Due to it was going out to a lot of invalid email addresses that were returned. Probably the reason the email was not working before. I see you just added back one but I don't think anyone has posted since you added missing messages. So Give it a bit and see. I will post a just post to see.
Oh, I just thought of this. Check your spam or junklists and see if the message is going there. Some email clients have gotten very strict if you don't have the sent from email address in your email contact list or set the email address in the whitelist.
Last edited by Ruben; 08/01/20194:53 PM.
There is no such thing as stupid questions , Just stupid answers.
I checked and you have set the time to america/ boise. But you also selected Use Relative Times. I turned it off. Use Relative Times will not display the actual time but will show like 2 hours ago, yesterday, 3 days ago,etc. See if that fixes it.
There is no such thing as stupid questions , Just stupid answers.
Same here, I could have sworn before, even when I was signed in that there was a 2 hour difference, now I get the same result as you carlfogel, thanks !
I just changed the time zone for guests to est. What you may try is select your name at the top right and in the menu select cookies. Then expire them. It will bump you off. So just login again and see if it makes a difference. The times match for me But I set my preferences from the start. So as new recent posts appear they probably will be correct..
There is no such thing as stupid questions , Just stupid answers.
I just checked by clearing all cookies through AC-preferences and all cookies on my system by CCleaner, then logging back onto AC forum with current version of Chrome.
My AC time-zone preference was already set to Denver (MST).
Same results.
For me, the forum's left-side recent-posts-list shows timestamps 2 hours in future (EST) for recent posts.
But the timestamps inside threads themselves show my AC preferred Denver (MST) time.
For example, left-side recent-posts shows me Ruben's recent reply in this thread as 4:13pm, but he posted it at 2:13pm MST my time.
Viewing Ruben's actual post inside this thread shows the 2:13 MST time-stamp.
(If Ruben is on EST, both times probably match for him.)
But to me and Jimmie on MST, it looks as if people are posting two hours in the future (EST) when we glance at the recent-posts-list.
It's so trivial that I'd hesitate to even call it a bug.
After all, the posts appear in chronological order inside the threads, which is what really matters.
I changed the url from to to be more secure.
I need to do some cleanup on some images for it to show completely secure.
Unfortunately custom avatars is the biggest culprit. And we did not have access to them so they are missing anyway. Some of you have already visited and re-uploaded a avatar..
Last edited by Ruben; 08/04/20193:54 PM.
There is no such thing as stupid questions , Just stupid answers.
I have most of the https issues resolved. It mostly was the custom avatars. There still are a few outstanding , I think. But as people come here and upload a new avatar it will clean up on its own.
There is no such thing as stupid questions , Just stupid answers.
I have been setting it back be able to post images. before it was a modification but we lost that. Now it is the default system feature with the new version Just did this yesterday.
Bert or I was going to post some type of user guide/announcement for it eventually. But you beat me to the punch.
There may be more setting changes needed to work for everyone. But it is functional now.
There is no such thing as stupid questions , Just stupid answers.
Also to remind everyone (who reads this thread) that there are 17 or 18 (depending on whether you count the default) styles or themes you can choose for the forum. It is in your preferences; the 7th one down.
I also enabled polls in posts. It is called poll manager when posting in the full editor.. The issue is if you don't like your poll layout you need to start over. and edit your post Meaning delete your post and start from scratch again.
Last edited by Ruben; 08/26/20193:31 PM.
There is no such thing as stupid questions , Just stupid answers.
An odd, not really that important thing I just noticed. If I'm not logged in, the 'Who's Online' section will show a handful of logged-in users (by their login names), plus the number of guests and mods on the site. As soon as I log in however, it shows 0 logged-in users, despite the fact that I, myself, am logged in.
Anne-Marie Family Medicine Whatever Someone Else Isn't Handling Manager
It is a moving target that is updated every few minutes. When you login it updates.. But sometimes it did not capture you at first. If you refresh after you login you will see yourself Next time you login just click on who is online now and see for yourself .Or navigate around a bit and it will update with you showing.
Last edited by Ruben; 09/09/20197:55 PM.
There is no such thing as stupid questions , Just stupid answers.