by Bert - 02/27/2025 1:22 PM
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Only three Republican Senators voted for the extension, and two were from Maine:
Senators Snowe, Collins and Voinovich. I may have to rethink my party affiliation.
Bert Pediatrics Brewer, Maine
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Or rethink which state you live in.
Jon GI Baltimore
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Yes, but Snow and Collins are from Maine. 
Bert Pediatrics Brewer, Maine
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Check out this page for information, registration, and lodging links for Amazing Charts Users Convention (ACUC) 2010. We have a limited number of rooms and conference space - and we ran out of space at our last conference, so purchase your ticket(s) and book your room(s) ASAP to avoid getting left out. We also have a few spots open for any users who would like to speak on topics related to Amazing Charts. Please let me know if you have a topic you would be willing to share with our community. Any topics are reasonable. I'm also looking for users who are comfortable discussing NCQA's PCMH and P4P - and any other ways Amazing Charts is helping increase revenue. Don't be shy! Jon
Jonathan Bertman, MD, FAAFP President Amazing Charts
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The ACUC 2010 is officially kicked off (see Jon's note above). The positive atmosphere at the first ACUC meeting was tremendous and this one promises to be at least as good. Barb and I are also excited about visiting Providence and Cape Cod. We dedicated the first conference to Bert and now it will be great fun to meet him in person.
I will paste our AAFP CME appliciation below to give you an idea of what we intend to deliver. Please sign up as soon as possible so that we can do a better job planning. Jon has planned a great party for all of us (including family and friends) on Friday night.
This is a User Conference put on by AC User volunteers (no one is being paid). It should be fun and beneficial to new and expert Users alike.
"Application for CME credit has been filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians. Determination of credit is pending."
The Amazing Charts owner/physician may expect to:
1) Become aware of all of the capabilities of his/her electronic medical record
2) Discover the updates that the latest automatic update (Version 5) provides
3) Learn how to safely secure and back up their electronic medical record
4) Learn how various family practice and pediatricians utilize Amazing Charts differently
5) Learn how to establish a totally Paperless Office and its advantages
6) Hear the objective expert reviews on applications for Amazing Charts
7) Learn how to use and modify the Health Maintenance tools in Amazing Charts to meet individual physician needs
8) Discover the hardware and software recommendations for new and existing users
9) Learn about possible electronic medical record problems from lost data to lost time due to electronic issues
10) Learn about Hitech advances from Meaningful Use (MU) to the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) and how they can benefit your patients.
11) Learn how Amazing Charts can facilitate Practice Management
12) Learn about plans for the future for Amazing Charts and help plan the course
13) Receive individual attention to help improve individual physician skills provided by experienced physician volunteers and Amazing Charts staff
14) Have the opportunity to address physician complaints about Amazing Charts and hear suggested remedies Overview:This a conference intended solely for physicians who own and use Amazing Charts Electronic Medical Record. The purpose is to improve electronic medical records skills to better serve our patients.Faculty/Author(s):
Jon Bertman, MD, Family Physician and owner of Amazing Charts EMR Bert Adams, MD, Pediatrician, Amazing Charts User, Chair of Speaker Committee Jim Blaine, MD, Family Physician, Amazing Charts User Martin Sechrist, DO, Family Physician, Amazing Charts User Wendell Wheeler, MD, Pediatrician, Amazing Charts User Michael Astleford (Indy), Information Technology expert
Audience:This User Conference is designed specifically for physicians who own and use Amazing Charts electronic medical record. There may be a few office staff of physicians present as well.Evaluation and Results:Detailed written evaluatiion will be required from each participant. The results will be utilized to improve the overall performance and utility of the Amazing Charts EMR. Results will be posted online for all
Jim Blaine, MD Solo FP Digital Monitoring Products (DMP) 2500 N. Partnership Blvd Springfield Missouri 65803
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Last edited by DocMartin; 05/14/2010 10:46 PM.
Martin T. Sechrist, D.O. Striving for the "Outcome Oriented Medical Record".
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Thanks, Jim. Your help in acquiring CME credits does not go unappreciated.
Leslie Hospital Employed Physician Who Misses The Old AC
"It's a good thing for a doctor to have prematurely grey hair and itching piles. It makes him appear to know more than he does and gives him an expression of concern which the patient interprets as being on his behalf. "
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I am an OBGYN that uses AC, plan on attending. I know I am a small subset of users in surgical practice. Any need for me to participate more than just being there since I do run my office/surgical practice efficiently using AC. I wonder how many other surgeons, GYN's, urologists etc... will be there? Jack
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I just called Westin Hotel and they stated already out of rooms??? I cannot believe that over one month in advance? So what to do now? I booked transportation and conference-but no room to stay!
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OK, nevermind, if you book online via AC site, it will work. do NOT call in to hotel after hours because national call center says all rooms are booked!
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Agree with Leslie; the efforts toward obtaining CME accreditation are much appreciated. Does anyone know if the non-FP docs at ACUC can use AAFP credits towards our state licensing requirements? Do they count as AMA category 1 credits?
Jon GI Baltimore
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Always nice to have CME credits!
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I can't tell you all how disappointed I am not to be able to make the ACUC. The world still doesn't realize, despite years of urging, that it is supposed to revolve around me!
I wonder if there will be a summary or some sort of online presence that those of us who won't be able to attend could get access to. Perhaps some of the more generally relevant portions could be filmed and youtubed (is that a verb, yet?) This could also show the world what a cool community we have here and might be good PR for AC, Jon.
Bill Leeson, M.D. Solo Family Medicine Santa Fe, NM
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Agree with Leslie; the efforts toward obtaining CME accreditation are much appreciated. Does anyone know if the non-FP docs at ACUC can use AAFP credits towards our state licensing requirements? Do they count as AMA category 1 credits? Jon, I guess I am not the best one to answer this, so I don't know for sure. But, I simply can't imagine it wouldn't count. I do know that Jim tried a few different avenues to get CME, so I think they all count.
Bert Pediatrics Brewer, Maine
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Regarding the CME question about AAFP to AMA Category I credit- you might try contacting ACP to see if they could make the swap for you. At times, Family Docs can submit credits other than AAFP credits to AAFP for evaluation. Good Luck. Sure wish I could come. Please take pictures and put them on the AC FB page!!!
Vicki Roberts, MD Family Medicine of Southeast Missouri Sikeston, MO
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Bert, Vickie et al,
I will paste below the written AAFP explanation concerning the AMA/AAFP Equivalency. I will visit with Paula, our reviewer at the AAFP, tomorrow to be more clear about the potential eligibility for our credits to count toward state and AMA CME requirements. I will post her response. We went through the Greene County Medical Society for the first ACUC and this was not an issue. The Rhode Island Medical Society does not do CME accreditation. This is the reason that we decided to use AAFP.
The American Medical Association (AMA) and the AAFP have approved the following equivalency statement of AAFP Prescribed credit to AMA PRA Category 1 Creditâ„¢ toward the AMA Physician's Recognition Award. Providers not accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) or by an authorized state medical society may wish to include the equivalency statement if they are not authorized to award AMA PRA Category 1 Creditâ„¢ through another venue. The following statement should only be used when the CME activity has been designed primarily for family physicians.
The first sentence is the official accreditation statement announcing AAFP Prescribed credits. The equivalency statement must follow as a separate paragraph.
This activity has been reviewed and is acceptable for up to ___ Prescribed credit(s) by the American Academy of Family Physicians.
AAFP Prescribed credit is accepted by the American Medical Association as equivalent to AMA PRA Category 1 Creditâ„¢ toward the AMA Physician's Recognition Award. When applying for the AMA PRA, Prescribed credit earned must be reported as Prescribed credit, not as Category 1.
(AAFP Board of Directors 4/99, 3/05)
It is important to note that the equivalency agreement is not intended to bypass ACCME accreditation, which is required to designate AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM. AAFP Prescribed credit is approved for CME activities that have been designed primarily for family physicians and have had AAFP member input. AAFP CME credit is intended for AAFP members because they need AAFP credit for re-election to AAFP. There are occasions, however, when family physicians who are not AAFP members and other physician specialists attend activities that have been approved for AAFP Prescribed credit. It is under such circumstances that the equivalency is appropriate.
Jim Blaine, MD Solo FP Digital Monitoring Products (DMP) 2500 N. Partnership Blvd Springfield Missouri 65803
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RE: ACUC Westin Providence Hotel internet access
Does anybody know what the situation is with internet access here?
I read an article recently, in the Wall Street Journal or New York Times, about companies holding conferences being sick of the $12/day per user internet access often asked and negotiating reduced rate or "free" access into the conference contract.
...KenP Internist (retired 2020) Florida
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We are working to provide Internet access within the conference rooms at no additional charge - though I don't expect that will extend to within the hotel room (though I suspect it will be time to turn off the computers once you're back in your nice room with the TV and minibar).
Jonathan Bertman, MD, FAAFP President Amazing Charts
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Turn off the computer! Blasphemy. LOL. 
Bert Pediatrics Brewer, Maine
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I spoke with Paula, AAFP CME Reviewer, today and she said that the AAFP have an agreement with the AMA that is reflected in the statement I pasted in my last post. Our Greene County Medical Society Executive Director told me today that, in Missouri, AAFP and AMA Cat. I credits are treated equally for satisfaction of the Missouri CME requirements. Paula said that it should be the same for all states, but, just to be certain, it would be worthwhile for everyone to check with your local medical society or state medical association; please let me know immediately if you find anything different with your state and I will look into it. We have applied for a total of 19 hours of CME, but the actual number approved may be less; that will be up to the AAFP Review Committee. We will let you know as soon as we know.
We had 95 attendees at the first ACUC and currently have 80 of us signed up with five weeks left before the conference. We are planning on around 150.
Leslie and Adam, are you going to be able to attend?
cell 417 861-9286
Jim Blaine, MD Solo FP Digital Monitoring Products (DMP) 2500 N. Partnership Blvd Springfield Missouri 65803
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I will be there!! (Provided I am not bear-attacked in the mountains of Colorado the week before).
Leslie Hospital Employed Physician Who Misses The Old AC
"It's a good thing for a doctor to have prematurely grey hair and itching piles. It makes him appear to know more than he does and gives him an expression of concern which the patient interprets as being on his behalf. "
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Leslie has to be there. Paperport talk. Maybe even shortkeys.
Adam is not going to be there.
Bert Pediatrics Brewer, Maine
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Provided that there is sufficient interest, I can arrange for the filming/editing/production/hosting of the main sessions.
As a related issue, the speakers and the ACUC would have to consent to the filming and release of the sessions.
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We are working to provide Internet access within the conference rooms at no additional charge - though I don't expect that will extend to within the hotel room (though I suspect it will be time to turn off the computers once you're back in your nice room with the TV and minibar). Thanks Jon. There is conflicting info online regarding wifi status in Hotel. I just called the front desk and they told me that wifi is free in lobby and restaurants, and pay in rooms. That suits my needs fine.
...KenP Internist (retired 2020) Florida
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I would love to see filming/hosting since I cannot attend. I VOTE YES if Jon would allow.....
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Talks? Huh?? Better get me liquored up first.
Leslie Hospital Employed Physician Who Misses The Old AC
"It's a good thing for a doctor to have prematurely grey hair and itching piles. It makes him appear to know more than he does and gives him an expression of concern which the patient interprets as being on his behalf. "
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Bert Pediatrics Brewer, Maine
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Martin T. Sechrist, D.O. Striving for the "Outcome Oriented Medical Record".
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My favorite bar in Bangor. Actually, Orono. I can drink five beers (and yes I will be a bit tipsy -- actually -- but the key thing is I know what each will do and how long it takes). One Margarita and forget about driving.
Oh, I wouldn't drive with five beers either.
There is this Indian Restaurant that has this beer called Old Monk. There are many beers with that name. This one comes from India I believe. Go figure. 24 ounces. 8% alcohol. If you didn't like Indian food before, you will after.
In fact, if Leslie has two of these, she will take over for Jon at the ACUC AND do all the breakout sessions.
Bert Pediatrics Brewer, Maine
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If Leslie has two of those Martin will be treating her for pancreatitis!!!!! No offense, Bert, but you may be a little rusty on adult dosing schedules for Dilaudid.
Leslie Hospital Employed Physician Who Misses The Old AC
"It's a good thing for a doctor to have prematurely grey hair and itching piles. It makes him appear to know more than he does and gives him an expression of concern which the patient interprets as being on his behalf. "
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I know you just start a drip and watch the sat monitor.
Bert Pediatrics Brewer, Maine
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I'm going to be at the conference. Leslie, I'm looking forward to meeting you. Bert, I remember you from the last time!
Carolie J. Manager/Fix All Tuality Physicians, PC A Family Practice Clinic
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Bert Pediatrics Brewer, Maine
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I just remember that you, Bert, were a little under the weather and couldn't make it. We all cried, Adam represented you well!
Tom Young, DO Internal Medicine Consultants, PC Creston, Iowa
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Now, I feel awful. Well, I will be there this year.
Bert Pediatrics Brewer, Maine
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Will you be there? Hope so. Anyone bringing wives or S.O's that my biller can hang out with when she tires of listening to Bert drone on about backing up? Just kidding of course, Bert.
Leslie Hospital Employed Physician Who Misses The Old AC
"It's a good thing for a doctor to have prematurely grey hair and itching piles. It makes him appear to know more than he does and gives him an expression of concern which the patient interprets as being on his behalf. "
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I'll be the one with a Heinekin in one hand, a margarita in the other, talking about how I use "Fafer Fort and Short Pees"
Leslie Hospital Employed Physician Who Misses The Old AC
"It's a good thing for a doctor to have prematurely grey hair and itching piles. It makes him appear to know more than he does and gives him an expression of concern which the patient interprets as being on his behalf. "
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OK, I'm registered, ticket 128 of 200. Got my room and flights. I was waiting for airfare to drop, but it actually started going up so I went ahead and booked. Looking forward to seeing everybody. ...Ken
...KenP Internist (retired 2020) Florida
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Hi Ken,
How do you know what number you are?
Bert Pediatrics Brewer, Maine
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Bert, when You buy the conf ticket, the number of tickets left is displayed ...Ken
...KenP Internist (retired 2020) Florida
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