We have had very few issues with claims processing through ACPM and Harris has proved very responsive when we've had to email them with issues. We get a response as soon as an email enters the queue, then 9/10 times our issue is resolved within the same business day, but rarely longer than 24 hours. We haven't had any "dead in the water" scenarios since our main computer crashed years ago, and even then, tech support had us back up and running pretty quickly. So I'd say it's been a reliable program for us.

The most common issue we've had is when an EOB downloads under the wrong carrier, which is a nuisance, but Harris always fixes it pretty quickly. They've also been able to give us guidance/direction in how to fix something ourselves, but have never NOT helped us if we needed them to fix it for us.

When we went live, we had no onboarding coach (staffing issues at ACPM when we were going live) and we had to figure out a lot for ourselves, but considering that, we've done well with it. It seems to be a less bloated program, IMO, than CareTracker; however, the only exposure to CT I had was the webinar and immediately knew I didn't want it - that was back when we thought ACPM was no longer going to be serviced and we thought we were going to be forced to switch.

The clearinghouse website, ClaimRemedi/eSolutions, has recently lost some of its appeal, at least for me, because the search function isn't properly sorting anymore, so it takes me longer to find what I'm looking for with Claims and ERA's, which they can't seem to explain for me. Kinda "mansplained" (for lack of a better term) a function I'd been using for 8 years as if it were user error; who knows, maybe it is and I'm just technologically impaired. But like I said, it worked really well, until it didn't.

My ONLY beefs are the above clearinghouse issue and that they seemingly got rid of Live Chat Support for ACPM, which was great if I needed to SHOW them a problem, versus describe one.

But email does suffice and they will call me if I ask them to if I'm stuck. Once you get your onboarding training, it's relatively simple to use and did interface with Amazing Reminders, which saved me a lot of time. It allowed patients to confirm their appointment and it would "push" the confirmation onto the schedule by making the patient show up in bold. Anyone who didn't respond to the Reminder system I would then call myself and follow up. It also allowed a patient to cancel, which went to the provider, who would then forward it to me to follow up on. I don't know if they are still offering Amazing Reminders, but it did work for us when we used it. Only stopped using it because we're a small practice and it was an extra expense.

Sorry for the book and the delayed response. Hope this helps. :-)

Trista C.