And when I mean test, I mean actually restore your backup to a different server.
This is a worthwhile test because in most situations when you restore backups, it will be to a different server. Also, when is the last time you upgraded your backup software? Is it even a supported version?
And, are your backups virtual machine backups (meaning you back up from the hyper-visor) or are they bare metal backups? Note that even if you are virtualized, if your backup software runs inside the VM that is still bare metal. And bare metal sucks.
Have your IT support bring in a different server and restore your backups. See if they work. You should be able to log on to this server and see yesterday's charts in AC and the appropriate balance in QuickBooks and so on. Anything less and you do NOT have backups.
Once or twice a year I choose a client at random and restore their offsite backups to one of my servers and have them look around. I do enjoy that "5 year old in a candy store" sound they make when they realize I really can save their bacon if the solid waste makes contact with the air acceleration device.
Test. Your. Backups. Do a restore to a different server.