Hi Bert,

It took browsing the forum, squeezing silly putty in my left hand, and listening to some Bach to get through my current dynamic splint session:

I'm grateful for the distractions because I'm annoyed with whoever put my custom splint together.

Despite all the careful measuring and custom fitting, the damned Velcro straps keep popping off my upper arm.

I finally realized that it's not the fault of my atrophied biceps and triceps.

The upper Velcro straps were just cut wrong--the hooked Velcro goes through the buckle and tries to hook to itself instead of reaching the distant Velcro-fleece.

Hook-side to hook-side Velcro holds only if you press down on it, so I have wriggle a makeshift cuff made of knotted 4-inch wide rehab-room rubber-strip over everything, using one hand and my chin.

It's as bad as an EMR that crashes every day and can't show drug details.


Carl Fogel