Yes koby, but it was added as only a location, not a type. It's only possible to specify a different type of location in the Facilities portion of the Office and Facilities setup screen. And even there, I cannot add an additional type of location; I'm limited to what already shows in the Facility Type text box when I start typing.

What apparently is important to our biller is the location type in terms of coding correctly for telehealth services.

Worst comes to worst, I'll manually open the superbills in Windows Notepad and search/replace everywhere required as per our biller.

EDIT: Windows Notepad to the rescue! It's a bit clunky to use but it works, especially if I keep the number of bills per batch to a minimum. I'll be optimistic and say that I hope we won't be doing so many Telehealth visits for too long!

Last edited by kurt; 03/24/2020 5:26 PM. Reason: solution, sort of