Thanks for your reply. I already use AdvancedMD for PM and I am, so far, satisfied. As background: I previously used MOMSAT PM but found it too cumbersome and the billing reports from it were useless. I decided to try an "integrated" option. I looked at ACPM but decided against it (See below). I tried AdvancedMD PM/EMR Module and found it very difficulty to use, so I decided to go back to AC as EMR. I am trying to find user experience with x-link interface.
I have learned a lot since the day I posted this message. I learned that there are two companies that make interfaces for AC/AdvancedMD: X-link and CTECHUS. Both use the HL7. However, CTECH tells me it can do a custom "complete" integration and X-link is more wyciwug (what you see is what you get). CTECH is more expensive than X-link initially, about the same on an ongoing basis. CTECH is a custom interface and X-link you get a stardand interface. With x-link you have to press ctr-F11 every so often to make the interface work. I am not clear if this is the case with CTECHUS.
I learned that AC does not allow a tight integration between other PM and their EMR on purpose, as they are pushing their own solution PM. However, I have read the horror stories. Also, I have reviewed their PM, and even went as far as sign up, but eventually backed out for lack of support during the period of implementation. Plus, ACPM just does not do what I need it to do as far as tracking patients.
So, I have to continue to use a mismatch of different programs to get the job done, at least for now. I am sure I am not the only one and hope that those of us that have to do this can share our experiences so we do not have to re-invent the wheel.